Saturday, June 23, 2007

Post Meeting Question

Briefly explain how you have stretched this week during the Muse Machine classes.


Sissy Carroll said...

The first day I felt so STRETCHED that I thought I would snap!! After regouping myself, I enjoyed the class and group tremendously. Claudia had SO MANY wonderful ideas - so many useable strategies and I plan to use the journals in my art classes. My family was mortified when I told them that I did an african dance on the last day. The class was very stimulating and it did place me outside my comfort zone several times - and that was a good thing. I also met a lot of wonderful South Carolina educators. I plan to share Claudia's book with our staff - and who knows, I just might play drums and dance for everyone!!
Sissy Carroll, Darlington, SC

kgb said...

I think I stretched all of my weakest intelligences, not just two of them, and my strongest ones, too! My head was totally blank for an hour and a half when I sat down to write my poem, and the page in Claudia's book describing the different types of poetry just did not have enough information for someone like me. Thank goodness for acrostics! I was so overwhelmed that I would not have made it without the opportunity to work with all of the talented educators in our class. They all had such wonderful ideas and working in a group actually became enjoyable for an intrapersonal person like me. Dancing is something I do NOT do and certainly not in front of anyone. I amazed myself when I did both in Don and Tutu's class! I also plan to share Claudia's book with my principal, and Krista and I are busy planning an arts festival for our school.
Karen Bagwell, Woodruff Primary

Alice Welchel said...

I went into this class with alot of curiosity. As a band director, I am in my comfort zone either playing an instrument or conducting an ensemble. I was REALLY stretched as I learned to act and imagine. I got "recharged" and am ready to incorporate the great ideas we received from the instructors. Thank you for an awesome week! Alice Welchel, McCracken Jr. High, Spartanburg District 7.

Amy Lea said...

You know, my family was stunned when I said we were having to do a performance at the end of the week because they know how much I HATE getting up in front of adults- It's a strong source of stress and blood pressure rising for me. But stretch I did, and even though interpersonal was not my weakest area, it probably is in reality. My highest level was intrapersonal, which did not surprise me. Kinesthetic and visual were actually my lowest, so between Don and TuTu and the performance, I think I did some hard work in those two areas! I met some remarkable people, shared alot of stories, and truly appreciated having some down time with fellow teachers. I truly don't believe that we get enough time to share and vent. It makes the world of difference for some of us!! Thanks for stretching us out!! :)

Kelly Brautigam said...

I was stretched through strengthening my two weakest areas: musical and interpersonal. I stretched in the musical area by practicing to keep the melody and the beat of the songs we performed for the group. I stretched in the interpersonal intelligence through intentional, interactive conversation and purposeful, productive group work. I enjoyed the institute!

Jennifer Crawford said...

I stretched myself simply by being there! I'm not into the artsy stuff and even making the journal wasn't something I would generally get into. However, I sucked it up and went along with all of the shenanigans and had a pretty interesting week in the long run. I worked on my interpersonal skills (I tend to stick to the people I know)~I even ended up exchanging emails addys with teachers in other districts. All in all, I consider it an interesting class and Claudia's book will be a lot of help next year!

Marilyn Gramling said...

My stretch during MUSE was to be "totally present" during the sessions. As a media specialist I am frequently interupted to help others. During MUSE I was able to concentrate on all three sessions each day and knit the "languages" of each together. Since MUSE I have been reading Claudia's book, particularly about literature and want to share it with our school literacy coach and principals. The book aligns wonderfully with the SC Reading Initiative and our professional development plan at Ballentine Elementary. MUSE also enabled me to work collaboratively with the team from my school and glean ideas from the other educators attending MUSE to build a vision for infusing the arts with the curriculum. Thanks!
Marilyn Gramling