Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Lisa Cureton

My name is Lisa Cureton. I am a special education teacher at Woodland Heights Elementary in Spartanburg County District 6. I have been teaching for thirteen years. My highest score on the MI test was Kinesthetic. I am a hands-on learner. I learn best by doing. Which is funny because this is the way I teach my class. In this class, I hope to learn new methods for engaging struggling students and getting them excited about learning..


Evetta said...

Hi Lisa! You and I have several things in common. I am an elementary teacher who has been teaching for thirteen years. I taught one year of Special Education-LD at the middle school level. I also feel strongly about being a hands-on learner. Even though I am a regular education teacher, I am always willing to learn new strategies for assisting struggling students. I look forward to meeting you at the MUSE Machine class.

Mary Lou said...

Lisa, Great to have you a part of the class. WHES is a wonderful integration school. ML

Kendra said...

Yes Lisa, I can definitely see you as a "kinesthetic" in how you teach our kids, that reaches so many of them. I look forward to what we are going to learn this week and how it will help us in this upcoming year! PS...I finished our grant proposal and sent it to your school e-mail, give it a look, Cindy is reviewing it!