Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hi! My name is Melody Linaman. I teach elementary music, K - 5th. I have taught this for 7 years. I am changing jobs next year. I will be at Woodland Elementary in Greenville County. As you would expect my highest intelligence was the musical intelligence. I am also very strong in Visual spacial intelligence. I learn best when I see pictures of everything. I am late to post this blog because I have been on vacation. We took a road trip to Minnesota. My visual intelligence help me quite a bit as I was the map/navigation master! I have had a good deal of exposure to the multiple intelligences. I hope to learn new ways to present the information to young students. I hope to see you all soon! - Melody


Evetta said...

Hi Melody! As I told one of the other participants, I love music and singing, but my greatest strength wasn't musical. My former Music Teacher was fantastic in planning musical activities to support my classroom activites. It allowed the students to see the connection of Music and other subjects.

Mary Lou said...

Melody,You will love Don and Tutu this year. They integrate music and dance. ML

greg moore said...

OK, finally a blogging success!!! Hi Melody, love that you are a music teacher, brings back fine memories of elemenbtary and middle school singing instruction! Even sight reading in singing was fun, whopda thunk it! greg