Monday, May 28, 2007

I'm Marilyn Gramling from Ballentine Elementary in Irmo. I've been a classroom teacher and am currently in my 17th year as a Library Media Specialist. My passion is discovering the interests of students, meeting them where they are, and guiding instruction from that point. On the MI inventory my strengths were kinesthetic, intrapersonal, visual, interpersonal, and musical. I'm looking forward to the interactive professional development journey of the class ... learning is for a lifetime!


Mary Lou said...

marilyn, It is great to have a media specialist on board. You will bring wonderful resources.

Marilyn Gramling said...

We may have Dianne Mundo and I under the same account ... but atleast we're both blogging.

Kelly Brautigam said...

Marilyn truly is gifted at meeting all students and teachers at their instructional point of need!

anna said...

Ji Marilyn,
It is niceto have another media specialist. I looked forward to meeting you and sharing notes - anna james