Friday, June 1, 2007

Dianne Mundo

My name is Dianne Mundo, Spanish teacher at Ballentine Elementary School in Irmo. I am originally from Puerto Rico. I have been teaching for 14 years. On the MI survey my strengths are intrapersonal, interpersonal, and visual. During this class I hope to learn more about how to incorporate MI and the arts in my Spanish classroom. See you soon!


kgb said...

Dianne, I love Spanish and working with my Spanish-speaking students! I just wish my own Spanish was better so that I could communicate with the ones who don't speak English yet. I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Mary Lou said...

Dianne, It is great to have a wonderful diverse group in class. Look forward to meeting you next week, ML

Marilyn Gramling said...

Perhaps you can teach us all a little Spanish ... since you are GREAT at multi-tasking!

Kendra said...

I really look forward to meeting you, and hopefully we can have some time for me to "pick your brain" about some of our esol students and speech!