Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Stretching Experiences at Muse

First, I would like to agree with Amy; it was GREAT to spend some time talking with other teachers. It just helps!
Claudia's book along with Don and TuTu's influences are going to make my class a much more exciting place for my students.
As for my stretching- my lowest MI is verbal/linguistic. My verbal intelligence was strengthened through many of the activities in Claudia's class. Also, working in groups and needing to collaborate with peers stretched me to use my verbal intelligence and not some of my stronger areas. My struggle to see the "big picture" was also challenged thanks to my team members who needed to see the "big picture" before discussing details!
The performances Friday were GREAT!! We should all be proud of our accomplishments. It was a great end to the week. Have a great summer and good luck next year!
Valerie Satterfield
Pleasant View Elementary
Laurens County, District 55


Ross said...

Post Blog Brenda
I truly enjoyed our Muse Machine class.I met many wonderful people that I hope I have a chance to see again at another education class/event.
My greatest stretch was writing and presenting the poem.I think poetry writing was a bonding experience for us all. My strategy of reading my poem early in class to curb the anxiety caused by the idea of sharing in front of my peers almost worked. Everyone was so supportive. Re-visiting those kinds of feelings will help me identify with my students when they are ask to perform.
I appreciate all the thoughtful planning that went into this Arts Integration class.

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